Microcredentials & 证书
- Microcredentials
- 会计数据分析
- 网络防御
- 网络治理
- 刑事司法领导
- 数据分析
- 护士教育工作者
- 教学设计
- 成人-老年初级保健执业护士
- 家庭护士
- 精神科精神健康执业护士
- 青少年至青少年教育(7-12)
- 小学教育(小学至小学五年级)
- 干预专家:轻度/中度(K-12)
- 幼儿中期教育(4-9年级)
- 高级会计微证书
- 本科生
- 研究生
- 伙伴关系的学生
- 留学美国.S.
- 在线获得学位
- 社区学院学生
- 大学学分加
- 空军
- 军队
- 海岸警卫队
- 海军陆战队
- 海军
- 蒙哥马利GI法案®-选定的储备
- 蒙哥马利退伍军人法案
- 9/11后的GI法案®
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment VetSuccess Program
- 黄丝带计划
- 配偶 & 家庭
- 网上开放日
- 准度
- 普通学士学位
- 护理(RN-BSN)
- 会计
- 工商管理(MBA)
- 业务分析
- 商业心理学
- 计算机科学
- 刑事司法管理局
- 网络安全
- 数据分析
- 卫生信息学
- 医疗保健管理(MHA)
- 人力资源管理
- 信息技术
- 教学设计 & 学习技术
- 护士长(ms - adm)
- Nursing-成人-老年初级保健执业护士
- 护理-家庭执业护士(MSN-FNP)
- Nursing-Generalist (MSN)
- Nursing-精神科精神健康执业护士
- 公共管理
- 工商管理(DBA)
- 医疗保健管理(DHA)
- 教学设计领导(DPS)
- Nursing Practice-家庭护士 (DNP-FNP)
- 护理实践-领导课程(DNP)
- 组织领导(Ed).D.)
- 刑事司法领导
- 教学设计
- 学费 & 金融援助
- 估计你的转学学分
- 如何转学分
- 以前获得的大学学分
- 证书+专业培训学分
- 军训学分
- 测试信贷
- 合作院校
- 通路门户
- 转学到学士学位
- 转读硕士学位
- 转读博士学位
- 转到副学士学位
- 为工作的成年人而建
- 传递友好
- 认可的大学 & 质量度
- 快 & 负担得起的
- 学生成功故事
- 雇主重视
- 非营利组织
- 学生支持
- 职业发展
- 哥伦布
- 成为合作伙伴
- 现有合作伙伴
- 老师
- 社区学院的好处
- 对企业的好处
- 雇主合作
- 解决方案
- 巴哈大学
- mbcs
- 沙特电子大学
- 现有合作伙伴
- 医学院合作伙伴关系
- 护士教师
- 俄亥俄州学区合作伙伴关系
- 校董会
- 大学领导
- 大学目录
- 教师简介
- 总统的欢迎
- 招生顾问
- CCNE认证
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- mg不朽情缘游戏网址的使命 & 值
- 四大基石
- mg不朽情缘游戏网址的历史
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- 未来的学生
- 事件
- 新闻
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- 演讲 & 奖
- 教师奖励和认可
- 扬声器的局
- 活动举办
- 第九条
- 歧视骚扰 & 不正当的性行为
- Anti-Hazing政策
- 无毒学校 & 社区行动
- mg不朽情缘试玩的干预 & 团队意识
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- 应用程序 & 评审过程
- 小马
- 花旗集团的培训
- 研究综述类别
- 委员会 & 政策
- 资源文件, & 常见问题
- mg不朽情缘游戏网址的研究
- 项目 & 支持
- 资源
- 研究的机会
- mg不朽情缘试玩
- 无障碍服务办公室
- 打击侵犯版权行为
- 财政援助声明
- 流感信息
- 可接受的资讯科技用途
- 隐私权声明(FERPA)
- 隐私声明
- 学生停车
- 学费退还政策
- 接种疫苗
- 恶劣天气政策
- 转学分政策 & 程序
- 社区参与
- 索取mg不朽情缘试玩成绩单
- 厄巴纳大学资源
- 送给mg不朽情缘试玩
While cost is one factor that impacts your college choice, as you consider returning to school it is important to ensure that you get the experience that you want in an environment that will enable you to be successful.
75% of students count on advisors for class registration.
Tutoring is accessible (2,000 sessions per term) and free.
Learning Assistance eases homework and exam stress for 93% of students.
The average Franklin student transfers in 89 credits.
一个非营利组织, private institution solely dedicated to serving working adults, mg不朽情缘游戏网址’s tuition rate is 67 percent lower than the national average for private, 非营利性四年制大学.
*Franklin annual tuition is 31 credit hours at the 2021-22 rate. The national average private, nonprofit is from the Trends in College Pricing 2021. 来源:美国大学理事会.
在mg不朽情缘游戏网址, we demonstrate our commitment to helping you finish your degree by investing nearly every tuition dollar collected back into the resources and services necessary to help you be successful.
教育不是放之四海而皆准. As an adult returning to school, your life is different than it was when you started your journey. At Franklin, we’ve been removing obstacles to higher education for busy adults since 1902. It’s all we’ve ever done - and it’s what we will do for you.
Only one-third of students who stop out of college eventually complete their degree.
无.1 reason adult students leave school without a degree is the inability to manage commitments.
Any school can help you get started - our specialty is helping students, like you, finish. You’re back in the game and you’re ready to succeed. Count on us to provide the support you need to achieve your personal and career goals.
We’ll make sure you stay on track and reach out to assist when it seems like you might be struggling.
By accepting more of your previously earned credit, we’ll shorten the amount of time it takes to earn your degree.
We’ll provide the resources you need when you need them. Your academic advisor is your trusted source for timely information, support and motivation.
“During my last semester at Franklin, I began to update and submit my résumé. When I graduated, I had about 7 interviews and 3 job offers. 其中一份工作是我梦寐以求的.”
Javonne transferred her previously earned credits from a community college and earned her bachelor’s degree in accounting. 她现在是一名内部审计员. 除了得到她梦寐以求的工作, she says she was proud to be an example for her son showing him that “he can do everything mommy can do, 加上更多的.”
“As I was making the decision to go back to school, I was considering the challenge of raising five kids ages 5-16. And also, having the time to study and be successful. I didn't want to go back to school and not be able to succeed. Franklin made it possible by having a complete online program that fit my life.”
Even though Christina was nervous about being able to succeed, at Franklin she found tools that were in place to help her. She not only completed her bachelor’s degree, she later earned a master’s degree at Franklin as well.
“When I walked across the stage and heard my name at graduation, I realized that I achieved something that I started 20 years ago. It was like a boulder had been lifted off of my shoulders.”
Vaughn built a career without finishing his degree and when weighing the time and cost investment necessary to finish, 他不知道自己到底有多需要它. 然而, Franklin’s reputation for serving working adults and a promise he made to himself that he wanted to set an example for his daughter pushed him to completion. A financial advisor with the intention to one-day have his own brokerage, Vaughn believes his degree opens the door to more opportunities.
mg不朽情缘游戏网址 is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org/800.621.7440) and authorized by the 俄亥俄州 Department of Higher 教育.
mg不朽情缘游戏网址 is committed to being an inclusive community free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.